Pickleball YYC

Calgary’s Hub For All Things Pickleball

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Where To Play In Calgary

Welcome to your guide on where to play pickleball in Calgary!

Whether you’re a seasoned player aiming to refine your skills, a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, or simply looking for a fun and active way to spend time with friends and family we’ve got you covered.

From scenic outdoor courts to state-of-the-art indoor facilities that ensure play is on year-round, Calgary’s pickleball scene is thriving.

If you are new to pickleball we recommend also checking out Pickleball Canada’s website for the latest national news by visiting www.pickleballcanada.org.

Don’t see a location listed?  Click here to send us a message. 

Southwest Locations

Find where to play pickleball in Southwest Calgary

Seven Chiefs Sportsplex

19 Bullhead Road, Priddis, AB T3T 0A8

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.7chiefs.com

Westside Recreation Centre

2000 – 69 Street Southwest, Calgary, AB. T3H 4V7

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website: www.westsiderec.com

Paperny Family JCC

1607 – 90 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB T2V 4V7

Type of Courts:  Indoors / Outdoors

Website:  www.calgaryjcc.com

Oakridge Community Centre

9504 Oakfield Drive Southwest, Calgary, AB. T2V 0L1

Type of Courts:  Outdoor courts shared with tennis.

Website:  www.oakridgecommunity.ca

northwest Locations

Find where to play pickleball in Northwest Calgary

Huntington Hills Community Centre

520 – 78 Avenue Northwest, Calgary, AB T2K 0S2

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.huntingtonhillscommunity.ca

The Pickledome

2221 Crowchild Trail Northwest, Calgary, AB T2M 4S7

Type of Courts:  Facility Dedicated to Pickleball

Website:  www.pickledomeyyc.com


3304 – 33 Street Northwest, Calgary, AB T2L 2A6

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.vecova.ca

Southeast Locations

Find where to play pickleball in Southeast Calgary

Acadia Recreation Complex

240 – 90 Avenue Southeast, Calgary, AB T2J 6P6

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.acadiarec.com

Trico Centre for Family Wellness

11150 Bonaventure Drive Southeast, Calgary, AB T2J 6R9

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.tricocentre.ca

Lake Bonavista Community Centre

1401 Acadia Drive Southeast, Calgary, AB T2J 4C6

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.thelbca.ca

MNP Community and Sport Centre

2225 Macleod Trail Southeast, Calgary, AB T2G 5B6

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.mnpcentre.com

Midsun Community Centre

50 Midpark Rise Southeast, Calgary, AB T2X 1L7

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.midsun.org

Northeast Locations

Find where to play pickleball in Southeast Calgary

Calgary Pickleball Centre

1145 – 65 Avenue Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 8T9

Type of Courts:  Dedicated Pickleball Facility

Website:  www.calgarypickleballcenter.com

Vivo For Healthier Generations

11950 Country Village Link Northeast, Calgary, AB T3K 6E3

Type of Courts:  Indoors

Website:  www.vivo.ca

YYC Pickleball

1108 53 Avenue Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 6N9

Type of Courts:  Dedicated Pickleball Facilit

Website:  www.yycpickleball.com

Get In Touch

We love hearing from fellow pickleball enthusiasts! Whether you have a question, want to share your pickleball story, or are looking to advertise on our platform, don’t hesitate to reach out. Join us in making Pickleball YYC the heartbeat of Calgary’s pickleball community.

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